Thursday, October 9, 2008

Activity 20: Neural Networks

For this last activity, another pattern recognition model is used to group things in to their proper classes. This model is called Neural Networks, and in the processes implements Error Backprojection (EB). The steps of implementing EB are shown below.

Source: Dr. M. Soriano, A-20 Neural Networks

The objects to be used for this activity are fishballs and squidballs. The input training matrix and desired output wold be set up by extracting 3 features (height/width, R and G chromaticity values), defining 2 classes, with 5 training samples and 5 test samples each. Therefore, the training matrix has 5 rows x 3 columns, while the desired output has 5 rows by 2 columns. The desired output was set to 1 for the fishball class, and 0 for the squidball class.

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